MEA Catalogue 2018_032018 - online


BRS Neuroanatomy, 5th Edition Douglas Gould and James Fix

BRS Neuroanatomy , fifth edition is a concise review of medical human neuroanatomy for course and licensing exams, including the USMLE, and features more than 600 board-style review questions with explanations. This edition also includes new full-colour artwork and design elements, updated clinical correlations, a glossary of over 200 key terms, and an appendix of cranial nerves. BRS Neuroanatomy presents the essentials of human neuroanatomy in a concise, tightly outlined, well-illustrated format. Online access to an ebook and interactive question bank is included. 978-1-4511-7609-4 / 416 pp / Aug 2013

Barr’s The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint, 10th Edition John Kiernan and Raj Rajakumar

This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organisation by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author’s succinct writing style. 978-1-4511-7327-7 / 448 pp / May 2013

Essential Neuroscience, 4th Edition Allan Siegel & Hreday Sapru 978-1-4963-8240-5 / 624 pp / Sep 2018 NEW


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