Warrington Family Cookbook

Nana’s Stuffing Prep time Cook time Ready in Serves 10 min. 30 min. 40 min. 4 ingredients 4 cups of toasted bread mix with 1 cup of warm milk to moist 2 mashed potatoes 1 raw onion, chopped fine Salt & pepper 1 tablespoon of poultry seasoning (or to taste) Butter

directions 1. If making from scratch, peel potatoes and cut into pieces. Boil until soft enough to mash into mashed potatoes. 2. Finely chop onion and sauté on stovetop until soft. 3. To create bread mix, cut desired bread into cubes, place in oven at 350 degrees for approximately 10 min. 4. Pour warm cup of milk on top of bread mix, gently mixing to ensure that pieces are soaked evenly. 5. Add rest of ingredients together

Brooke: I used about 1/2 tbsp of poultry seasoning, and it tasted great! The amount you use is entirely based off preference, although the original recipe calls for 1 tbsp. I also found that white bread works best. You can also bake at 350 for about 10 min. instead of sautéing the onions - just add more milk if stuffing gets dry. I also used 1/2 red onion, as onions back then were probably smaller.

6. Melt apx. tbsp of butter, pour, and mix. 7. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. 8. Add poultry seasoning (tbsp or to taste).

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