Urban Water Management Plan 2015

These potential water use increases can be offset, in part, by increasing water conservation measures. The supply available to the City during the various hydrologic water years, summarized in Table 7-1 , is assumed to be equal to the estimated rate of natural groundwater recharge, recycled water consumption for users in the City of Gilroy, and the raw and surface water deliveries managed and negotiated by SCVWD. The SCVWD 2015 UWMP estimates the percent of normal year supply available during the single dry and multiple dry water years; these percentages are applied to rate of recharge during the normal water year to determine the available supply during the single dry and multiple dry water years. The demand projections for the various hydrologic water years are summarized on the following pages in Table 7-2 , Table 7-3 , and Table 7-4 . These tables include the total projected water demands through 2040, and estimates for total estimated water supply based on the hydrologic water years. A water budget, as derived from SCVWD groundwater planning estimates, has been included for the Llagas subbasin and Coyote Valley subarea respectively on Table 7-2A and Table 7-2B . These tables document the estimated total supply and demand during normal water years.

Table 7-2 Normal Year Supply and Demand Comparison












63,900 67,800 71,500 73,300 73,400 61,765 65,542 69,468 72,811 74,068



2,135 2,258 2,032



August 2016


City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan

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