Urban Water Management Plan 2015

manage, which includes the Llagas subbasin and the Coyote Valley subarea of the Santa Clara Valley subbasin. During periods of drought, the imported water supplies available to SCVWD can be reduced or not provided at all, which would reduce the amount of recharge available to the groundwater basins. In periods of water shortage, SCVWD works closely with the water suppliers extracting water from groundwater subbasins they manage in order to minimize overdraft and subsidence. Typically, when SCVWD identifies a risk to regional supply reliability, they call for urban water suppliers to reduce their water use through voluntary and mandatory water conservation ordinance. Additionally, during a drought, SCVWD anticipates the City to use groundwater reserves. Historical groundwater monitoring by SCVWD in the Llagas subbasin also indicates stable groundwater conditions during multiple-year droughts. Through SCVWD’s implementation of conjunctive use programs, the Llagas groundwater subbasin has historically experienced well managed levels. As a result of this management, the Llagas subbasin is considered a reliable source of supply during water shortages. While pumping may exceed recharge during a drought, basin management practices have prevented long-term adverse conditions.

August 2016


City of Morgan Hill 2015 Urban Water Management Plan

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