Guide 2019

Persons Each employee (local or international Agfa employee) or contractor (someone from another company/ self-employed person who performs work for Agfa) should offer this to the Security service in building 124 on Gevaert 1 to obtain an access badge. Both new (international) employees as well as contrac- tors must register in advance with security (SAP/TRP database). The access badge will be issued only if security has all the necessary details. Visitors should be registered at the reception in building 70 or build- ing 124 (in advance in the VISITOR database) and should always be accompanied by an Agfa employee on site. Each person may be proceed to only those areas that require his or her functional presence. Access badge The access badge is in principle valid for the duration of the contract. For contractors this is no more than 1 year. Every access badge is strictly personal and may not be transferred to others. It remains the property of Agfa-Gevaert NV. The badge must be handed into Internal Security in building 124 at the end of the contract. Internal Security must be informed imme- diately if an access badge is lost. If you have forgot- ten your access badge, you must register with Inter- nal Security. Persons working temporarily in Belgium for an international employer must in a number of cases present a LIMOSA document when requesting their access badge.




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