Guide 2019

Agfa-Gevaert NV safety principles

To make clear the importance of health, safety and the environment, Agfa-Gevaert NV subscribes to the following principles: Q As risks are manageable, every accident can be prevented. Q Working towards a safe working environment contributes significantly to the company’s profit- ability and environmental impact. Q Taking care of safety, health, and the environment is a moral obligation. Everyone is responsible for their own safety and for the safety of their col- leagues. Q Safe working is the first requirement of being able to work at Agfa-Gevaert NV. Q Respond immediately if you notice an unsafe situ- ation or unsafe behaviour. Q By reporting and investigating every accident and near-accident, we can prevent that these are repeated. Q We strongly encourage safe behaviour. Unsafe behaviour is responded to immediately; this also applies to visitors, contractors and suppliers. Q To raise safety awareness, we will continue to invest in training and user-friendly guidelines that are easy to monitor by everyone. Q All managers guarantee that every comment is appreciated and followed-up.


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