FreightVine August 2015

We all spend a lot of time sitting and for many of our pets; they’re as sedentary as we are while they wait all day for us to get home from work. So, it’s as important for them as it is for us to get out and enjoy each other’s company, and get some much needed exercise. While I might feel tired after a long day at work, doing a few simple chores like replenishing hay, filling waterers and feeding grain, helps to re-energize me. If I look at it as exercise and not as chores, I’mmore motivated to get them done. In exchange for my efforts, my reward is getting to spend some quality time with the animals I love. They’re calming and I know that just by being around them and watching them, my blood pressure drops. They make me laugh, too! In the heat, they like to get a hose bath and, the way they vie for position in front of the hose and then dance in the stream of water is pretty funny. They’re very curious, give lots of kisses and love to get carrots. They don’t need to do much to lift my spirits and keep me moving. So, no “butts” about it, there’s nothing like being outdoors with my alpacas to help keep me off the couch! Mary Siep, Portland

Renegade and Ricochet

Woodland (just north of Vancouver) Fantasia

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