Alamora - Main Brochure Update Jul 22_V1.0 FA EBOOK

MASTER PLANNED Designed for many generations


Vi llawood’s masterplanning of Alamora means we deliver a community designed with everything you need – not just land and homes but a fully- flourishing and fully-resourced community of friends and neighbours. Our expert designers and planners take into account everything from infrastructure, street, park and community faci lity designs to transport, shopping, services, energy use, technology, environment, sustainabi lity, population growth and more – all the necessities and considerations for successful long- term community growth. Vi llawood has plenty of runs on the board, too. And our credentials are stellar, regularly recognised in prestigious industry awards – including a national UDIA Masterplanning Excellence citation for Alamora’s sister community, Alamanda, at nearby Point Cook. Alamora offers a lifestyle planned to perfection with Vi llawood’s lengthy experience, its bright and colourful creativity, and its incisive innovation.

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