Discovering the U.K. 2017 for Chanel

From September 2000 students have been offered the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level qualifications in the first year of the course and students normally study four and sometimes five subjects. The number of subjects then reduces to two, three, or four in the second year of the course (called A2), which are then to be carried on to the full A-level.

For more information on schooling in the U.K., please visit one of the resources listed below:

+ All Schools in the U.K.: + Private Education: Details of Independent Schools may be obtained from the Independent Schools Directory + National Education Standards: All schools are inspected by The Office for Standards in Education (tel: 0207 421 6800). The reports for every school may be seen at + Performance tables for all schools may be seen at the Department for Education: + National Curriculum information may be obtained at the Department for Education:

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Discovering the U.K.

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