Registration Guide 2012-2013

Specializations: General LL.M Credit Requirements

To earn the U.S. Law and Legal Methods specialization, students must complete 12 credits from the JD curriculum. Students earn the other three specializations by completing 5 courses listed for the specialization and filing the appropriate specialization form with the Law Registrar prior to graduation. LL.M. students who complete a specialization will receive a Certificate in addition to their Diploma at graduation. Twenty four (24) credits are required to complete the LL.M. degree in Global Law and Technology and the general LL.M. LL.M. students may elect to take up to 6 of the required 24 credits from the JD curriculum. Approval from the Academic Director of the LL.M. Program and Associate Dean to enroll in a JD curriculum course must be obtained in advance.

Click HERE for a list of all LL.M rules and regulations

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