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NURSING Assessment & Diagnosis

Nurses’ Handbook of Health Assessment Ninth Edition

By Janet R. Weber, RN, EdD , Professor Emeritus, Department of Nursing, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO

DESCRIPTION $FFHVV QXUVLQJ DVVHVVPHQW JXLGHOLQHV DQG ÀQGLQJV ZKHQHYHU ZKHUHYHU \RX QHHG WKHP Re- nowned for its holistic perspective and “see and do” approach, this full-color, handbook delivers streamlined, step-by-step guidance at every phase of nursing assessment across all patient popula- tions. Access everything you need to interview clients and conduct thorough physical assessments with ease, including up-to-date assessment guidelines, full-color anatomy and physiology illustra- WLRQV LPDJHV RI QRUPDO DQG DEQRUPDO ÀQGLQJV DQG PRUH $ KHOSIXO FROXPQ IRUPDW RI DVVHVVPHQW SURFHGXUHV VKRZV DVVHVVPHQW WHFKQLTXHV QRUPDO ÀQGLQJV DQG DEQRUPDO ÀQGLQJV VLGH E\ VLGH WR enhance comprehension.

Ensure the most accurate and effective assessments with a focus on: ▶ Health history ▶ Physical examination ▶ 1RUPDO DQG DEQRUPDO ÀQGLQJV ▶ Nursing interventions ▶ Nursing diagnoses ▶ Geriatric variations, pediatric variations, and cultural variations

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2013. (North American ISBN: 978-1-4511-4282-2, International ISBN: 978-1-4511-8898-1)

North American Edition / Spiralbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4454-0 / (US$79.99(t) / £N/A / €N/A) Worldwide International Edition / Spiralbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-4586-8 / (US$79.99 / £65.00(t) / €77.00(t)) World ex. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands (St. Thomas & St. Croix) Approx. 800 pp. / 500 in Full Color / October 2017


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