NPA Q3.pdf

NURSING Pharmacology

Roach’s Introductory Clinical Pharmacology Eleventh Edition


▶ Summary Drug Tables list drugs from the classes discussed in each chapter, including names, uses, frequent adverse reactions, and general dosing information. ▶ Lifespan Considerations boxes PHHW WKH QHHGV RI VSHFLÀF SRSXODWLRQV DW ULVN RU QHHGLQJ VSHFLÀF GUXJ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ FRQVLGHUDWLRQV WKURXJK SUDFWLFDO ▶ Herbal Considerations boxes provide information on herbs and complementary and alternative remedies. ▶ Chronic Care Considerations prepare for situations that may arise during drug therapy for patients with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, hypertension, or epilepsy, including issues of polypharmacy through. ▶ Know Your Drugs (matching questions), Calculate Medication Dosages (dosage calculation questions), and Prepare for NCLEX-PN 1&/(; VW\OH TXHVWLRQV DSSHDU DW WKH HQG RI HDFK drug chapter. ▶ Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Drug Class lists identify potential errors and safety concerns to help students focus their reading and enhance their mastery of course concepts. ▶ An updated Appendix H (NCLEX-PN test plan) addresses he latest test plan, as well as the FRQFHSW EDVHG FXUULFXOD WKURXJK DGGLWLRQDO GHÀQLWLRQV DQG OLQNV WR FRQWHQW LWHPV LQ WKH WH[W WKDW correspond to concept-based teaching strategies This leading content is also incorporated into Lippincott CoursePoint , a dynamic learning solution WKDW LQWHJUDWHV WKLV ERRN·V FXUULFXOXP DGDSWLYH OHDUQLQJ WRROV UHDO WLPH GDWD UHSRUWLQJ DQG WKH ODWHVW evidence-based practice content together into one powerful student education solution. Lippincott CoursePoint LPSURYHV WKH QXUVLQJ VWXGHQWV· FULWLFDO WKLQNLQJ DQG FOLQLFDO UHDVRQLQJ VNLOOV WR SUHSDUH them for practice. Learn more at .


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