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Examination Review for Ultrasound Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation Second Edition By StevenM. Penny and Traci B. Fox

DESCRIPTION 7KLV XSGDWHG QG (GLWLRQ RI Examination Review for Ultra- sound: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation helps stu-

GHQWV SUHSDUH IRU³DQG H[FHO RQ³WKH 6RQRJUDSK\ 3ULQFLSOHV DQG ,QVWUXPHQWDWLRQ 63, FHUWLÀFDWLRQ examination offered by the ARDMS. Taking a concise, narrative approach, this proven resource aligns with the SPI revised content outline and format. An online exam simulator with registry-style questions makes it easy to create mock exams that allow unlimited practice. FEATURES ▶ H%RRN $9$,/$%/( )DVW VPDUW DQG FRQYHQLHQW WRGD\·V H%RRNV FDQ WUDQVIRUP OHDUQLQJ 7KHVH interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more. ▶ 1(: 025( (;7(16,9( 5(9,(: UHYLHZ TXHVWLRQV LQ HDFK FKDSWHU DQG UHJLVWU\ exam review questions at the back of the book—help students identify strengths and overcome weaknesses so they are fully prepared on exam day. ▶ 1(: )8//$/,*10(17 :,7+ 7+( 63, 5(9,6(' &217(17 287/,1( 7R DFKLHYH alignment, many topics have been added or enhanced, including patient care, bioeffects, Doppler artifacts, cardiac strain and strain rate, elastography, and ergonomics. ▶ 1(: 3UHS IRU VHPL LQWHUDFWLYH FRQVROH TXHVWLRQ6 QHZ TXHVWLRQV ZLWK SKRWRV SUHSDUH students for the semi-interactive console questions that are often a stumbling block on the ARDMS SPI exam. ▶ )5(( 21/,1( (;$0 6,08/$725 6RSKLVWLFDWHG PRFN H[DP VLPXODWRU FXVWRPL]DEOH WR WKH 63, FHUWLÀFDWLRQ H[DP IDPLOLDUL]HV VWXGHQWV ZLWK UHJLVWU\ WHVWLQJ IRUPDW DQG VW\OH ▶ (1+$1&(' +,*+ 48$/,7< ,0$*(6 0RUH WKDQ VRQRJUDSKLF LPDJHV DQG GLDJUDPV³ many new to this edition—increase student understanding of anatomy and the physiologic principles crucial to good sonographic practice. ▶ &2035(+(16,9( $ TXHVWLRQ UHJLVWU\ UHYLHZ H[DP DW WKH HQG RI WKH ERRN DOORZV students to gauge their understanding of key topics.

Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-7732-6 / (US$78.99(t) / £61.00(t) / €72.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 236 pp. / November 2017


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