REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

Spearhead Construction, LLC

Executive Summary

4 Competitive Advantage Andee is the Owner & President and reconstituted her team of former colleagues to form the nucleus of Spearhead. Business locations include the greater Albany area, Hudson Valley and New York City. Currently, the company employees ten (10) professionals and enlists outside consultants for legal and financial services. Spearhead also relies on guidance from an active, five (5) member Board of Advisors. See Addendums for featured professional biographies of full- time senior employees and select members of Spearhead Board of Advisors. In addition to strong leadership and mission focus, Spearhead offers Prime and General Contractors a unique solution for meeting New York State MWBE + SDVOB utilization goals. Contractors are able to exceed SDVOB goals when also using Spearhead to fulfill either MBE or WBE utilization goals for the same project. For example, the contractor awarding Spearhead 15% of work to meet an MBE goal would simultaneously receive a 15% credit towards the SDVOB requirement, well in excess of the current 3-6% SDVOB goals. 5 Mission Statement Spearhead’s mission is to earn business opportunities by demonstrating our leadership, professional capabilities and quality craftsmanship, while developing Spearhead into a healthy, well respected entity sought after for its dependability and commitment to excellence. 6 Financial Information Spearhead Construction, LLC is 100% owner financed and has access to capital to leverage its opportunities to grow through its relationship with Pursuit Lending (formerly New York Business Development Corporation (NYBDC)). 7 Labor Force Spearhead is a union company. In 2018, Spearhead signed with the Building Contractors Association (BCA) designating rights to several trades in the New York State and New York City area. Importantly, this was a pre-determined step in Spearhead’s growth objective to scale with qualified, talented tradesmen focused on delivering a safe and quality job for our clients. 8 Board of Advisors During the early formation of Spearhead, Andee recognized the value of tenured mentorship and created an Advisory Board to guide and advise Spearhead as the company grows.

Spearhead’s Board consists of the following individuals:

• Joseph Ritorto , retired developer (See Addendum C for more information)



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