REA Final - 22 Dec 20 - eBook - 1682 pages

F w : LGA - P BB - S ched u le D eli v e ry 1 S ea n < s ea n @ sp ea r headc x . c om > T h u 1/30/2020 4 17 P M T o : A n dee < a n dee @ sp ea r headc x . c om > Sean Reed Project Manager Spearhead Construction, LLC MBE | WBE | SDVOB | SDVOSB | PANYNJ | NYCSBS Ph: 631.793.7422 1/3 Most of crates will be 4’x4’x8’-6” high. Some of crates will be longer. Total approximately 100- 150 crates. A crate for GRG weights approximately 400-600lb/ea. A crate for GFRC weights The information contained in this email message is legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), any distribution, dissemination, or reproduction of this email message is strictly proh bited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately reply to the sender and then destroy this message. From: Trause, Zachary Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 3:14 PM To: Sean Cc: Bilgen, Murat ; Mock, Brian Subject: RE: LGA - PBB - Schedule Delivery 1 Sean – can you confirm with Plasterform if it is 100 crates for just this first delivery? Per Plasterform shop drawings, my piece count was 442 total pieces. Assuming each crate accounts for one piece, unless they are able crate up multiple pieces, but either way we would be expecting much less than 100 crates for each delivery. Please let us know what the approx breakdown per delivery will look like so we can better coordinate our limited space available, thanks. Zack Trause From: Sean Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:51 AM To: Mock, Brian ; Trause, Zachary ; Bilgen, Murat Subject: Fwd: LGA - PBB - Schedule Delivery 1 FYI Get Outlook for Android From: Xian (Shane) Hu <> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 8:47:15 AM To: Sean Cc: Gary ; Andee Subject: RE: LGA - PBB - Schedule Delivery 1 Sean, - We have started casting. 1 st shipment will be Sep 20 th . 2 nd will be Sep 27 th and 2 weeks thereafter per subsequent shipment. To date we had 42 molds done. -

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