quarter along the harbour, the Islands Brygge. Here are situated the army manufactory of arms, the artil- Jery barracks and, further away, a t the Kalvebod Strand, the practise-grounds and the drill grounds on the Amager- commons. E ast of the commons is the big municipal workhou­ se y>Snndholni«. Am ong the m any protected old buil­ dings in Christianshavn w e m enti­ on the follow ing; S tra n d g a d e No. 4. The prop erty of the agent B. M a d s e n (about 1789), in the backyard set in the w all a sand-stone slab w ith the Danish coat of arms. No. 10. I. B. S h lo t t m a n n s p r o p e r t y , 1775, ornam ental gatew ay of sand-stone. T h e R h o d e s p r o p e r t y , the two low er floors from about 1600, the two upper about 1790, a three cor­ nered fronton w ith stucco-relief, towards Strandgade, a sim ilar towards Torvegade. No. 22 and 24. C o r t A d e le r s p r o p e r t y . The Gateway and parts o f the walls from about 1680, the front from 1750. W rought iron fences in the basem ent w indow s, ornam ental sane-stone gatew ay from the oldest building No. 26. G. B e h a g e n s p r o p e r t y , 1769, three-cornered fronton w ith coat of arms etc.; a very beautifull staircase. No. 44, A r t ille r y - b a r r a c k s , corner-building towards Baadsmandsstrsede, about 1664 Joachim Irgens property towards Strandgade, end of the 18th century). No. 25. The palace of Asiatic Company 1) The m eeting house, the m ost beautiful building of

From Torvegade the long, much trafficed Amagerbroga- de leads through the qu ar­ ter of Sundbyerne into the open of the big, flat, b u t very fertile island of Amager. In the beginning of Amagerbro- gade is the station of the Amager-railway, and a litt­ le further, to the right, the Sonderbro Theatre (see Chap­ ter 13). Christianshavn, built in 1738 by Filip de L ange; sem icircular fronton with figures. The frontons above the w indow s and the frames of doors and w indow s from Gulland saud- stonc 2) Warehouse, 1781, sam e front towards the street. 3) Ware­ house, north of the basin, built by N. Eigtved, a m agnificient edidee, m ade from chalk-stone from Stevns. In D ro n n in g e n sg a d e : No. 67. T h e la d i e s s c h o o i, 1778, angular b uilding; w ing w ith own gable towards the street; in this a door w ith upper part of ornam ented sand-stone. No. 64. J o a c h im L e n z ’ p r o p e r ty beginning of 18th century, (highly worth seeing), sandstone ornam ented gateway, restored 1913. In Over- g a d e n o. F.; No. 58—62. T h e n a v a l h o s p it a l, now school for petty offi­ cers, built 1754 - 55 by J. Conradi w ith w ing towards Baadsmandstrce- de (1780). No. 32. S t e in f a s s p r o ­ p e r ty , about 1770. No. 6. T h e s c u lp t o r S t a n le y s p r o p e r t y , 1775. In O verg a d en n. V. No. 11 H e e r in g s p r o p e r t y 1785, round- arched sandstone gateway, beautiful yard. In T o rveg a d e, No. 75 (right in side the w all) th e e x c i s e o f f i c e , about 1700.

List of old p rotected b u ild in g s in C h ristia n sh a v n .

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