The P olytechnic Academy.

proposed by II C. Orsled, and is the only academy in the country for the train in g of engineers and other techni­ cians. The number of s tu ­ dents a t present are 1200, in ­ structed by 50 professors and teachers. Only studentss with m atriculation exm ination or having passed a special en­ trance exam ination can get admission to study a t this academy. In front of the fine buil­ ding stands a bronce-statue of Ole Rainer (B ran d stru p ). In the court are statues of II. G. Orated (Bissen) and Julius Thomsen (Saabye). The Institute of Technology (Route 3) Hagemannsgade 2, was bu ilt in 1908 (architect Svend Sinding). The institu te is a develo-

tects Christen and M artin Borch), first established in 1870 as a private enterprise, called Dansk Frokontrol, but in 1891 taken over by the State. This institu te is the oldest of the almost 200 sim i­ lar institutions now existing in the world. Its object is to keep the cultivators of seed, the consumers and the dea­ lers in seed informed about tho quality of the different kinds of seed, their genui­ neness, weight, power of ger­ mination, etc. The analysis is done according to rules and regulations, sanctioned by the departm ent of agriculture. The Polytechnic Academy on the corner of Solvgade and 0 ster Farimagsgade (archi­ tects Ilerholdt and Gniultz- maun) was founded 1829,


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