The historical Museum of Arms. This collection is ex­ ceedingly valuable and in ­ structive, comprising more than 20,000 items, which in the meantime not all are ac­ cessible to the public on ac­ count of lack of space; this though will be remedied, when the whole arsenalbuildning in a not too far away future will be used for the museum only. The historical Museum of Arms is open gratis from May 1st to September 30th Sunday and Wednesday 1—3. In the lower rooms, where the heavy ordnance is exhibited, as well as in the armory, where the hand fire-arms, swords and bayonets, banners, etc. are found, guides are g ra ­ tis at the visitors disposal for explanation and instruction.

The Commerce- and Navigation Museum is installed in the K ronborg Castle at E l­ sinore (see environs) and has the object to illustrate the history of the Danish com­ merce and navigation. The museum contains three p a r ts : 1: P o rtraits and busts of men of importance to com­ merce and navigation. Pic­ tures from trading places, merchant-houses and shops. Danish towns and ports, etc. remembrances of the East- Indian, East-A siatic and other oversea companies, mo­ dels of ships, flags, etc. 2: Illustrated descriptions of the history of the Danish navy, pictures of Danish and French men of war. 3: Charts, nautical in s tru ­ ments, navigation, lighthouse

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