The daily parade of The Life-Guard on Amalienborg-Square.

hus presented to the K ing by the Danish people as a wed- dingpresent, and a t the villa Klitgaarden 011 the Skaw. The K ing gives audience every second Monday a t Cliri- stiansborg Palace (see Chapter 0 ) where special rooms are set aside for representation. The crownprince Frederik and prince Knud are both univer­ sity-students and both ser­ ving in the Danish Navy. 'Phe crownprince is an ardent student and performer of music. The Danisli Royal Fam ily is very popular. The K ing is a passionate sportsman, who has, on seve­ ral occasions, taken home the first prize with his cutter. He is a skilful horseman and is every morning taking a ride on horseback, everywhere respectfully greeted by the people. lie is then quite alone, even w ithout a groom.

Guard is mounting guard every day, coming from their barracks at Norrevold, m ar­ ching to the music of their famous band through Frede- riksborggade, Kobmagergade, Gstergade, Bredgade, St. An- usepiads and Amaliegade, a r­ riving a t 12 o’cl. sharp a t the beautiful Amalienborg Square and followed by a great crowd of people. From 12 to 12*4 the band plays in front of the palace. On the b irth ­ days of the K ing and the Queen and on New Years Day their Majesties bold a great levee, receiving the m inisters of the foreign powers, the consuls and the high ranks of the country w ith great pomp. On these days the guard wears the red dress- uniforms. The summer-residence is de- vided between the palaces of Sorgenfri a t Lyngby (seeChap- ter !)) Marsclinborg, near A ar­


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