Parfum erie (perfumery) Breining, 0stergade 20.

assortment and working me­ thod. No lady, from where she may come, will look in vain for any perfume from the factories of this branch with a world-known name, or for any of the toilet-articles, she is accustomed to find in the largest and finest perfumeries of London, Paris, New York or Berlin. Perfum ery Breining, for se­ veral years by appointment to the court, is connected with all leading m anufacturers of perfumes and toilet-articles.

Parfum erie Breining (perfu­ mery) is one of the kind of businesses, which ure puttin g the stump of the big city on the Danish capital w ith re­ gard to ^he commerce. From outside already, with its fronts towards the main tho­ roughfare of Copenhagen, 0stergade and the main-street of the C ity-quarter, K r. Ber- nikowsgade, the firm mani­ fests itself as the internatio­ nal perfumery and of a size worthy of any big city of the world. And this impres­ sion is confirmed by a visit inside, by its arrangement,

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