Dina Schuldt’s Successor (Ove Madsen), Ostergade 1.

A t the great northern ex­ hibition of horticulliere in Co­ penhagen 1912 the Successor of Dina Schuldt was awarded with the lighest prize. The business sends flowers to all eitils in the world on the same day the order has been received, as well as or­ ders from abroad are execu­ ted conscrientiously to eve­ ry where. Telephone Central 1019.

Dina Schuldt’s Successor (Ove Madsen) by appointment pur- vegor to tlie imperial Rus­ sian, tiie royal Danish, E ng­ lish and Greek courts, is known by any inhabitant of Copenhagen. The fine exhibition of the firm, Ostergade 1, w ith the constant changing, tasty a r­ rangements of flowers, will always gather an interested crouml at the windows.

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