Map 8.

the common reading-room, where the most prom inent painting it the big Consti­ tution-picture by Herman Vedel. On this painting are portraits of men and m ini­ sters leading in the making of the constitution. The ordinary session of the Parliam ent lasts 6 —7 months, beginning the first Tues­ day of October. As a rule the Lower House begin their mee­ tings a t lo ’cl, the Upper Hou­ se a t I 34 . Any foreigner is welcome in the Parliam ent-building and can have one of the ser­ vants to shov him the spa­ cious building.

a memorial glass-painting ma­ de after the sketch of the painter Sigurd Olrik. The different parts represent: The Danish queen Thyra Dane- hod at Danevirke, the reunion of Denmark and Slesvig and the combat of Uffe hin Spage. Around these pictures are placed the coats of arms of the Slesvig towns of Tender, Aa- benraa, Iladerslev and Ronder- borg, pictures of the famous Dybbol mill, Skamlingsban- ken with the monument, when the golden Horns were found, K ing Dan and Danish and Slesvig coats of arms. On both sides of the fire- ,place are doors, leading to

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