Map 9.

The Copenhagen Main Station: The side of arrival.

The Porters fire all unifor­ med with a b right badge on the cap. They are responsible for all goods given in charge to them for transport. For hand-baggage is paid on the M ain-station: For 1 piece of goods 40 0 re and for each additional 10 0re. On Oster- bro station 25 Ore and 10 Ore. The luggage is forwarded to and from the stations on certain fixed times of the day. Phone : 21 G 2 . The porters must carry the table of the rates, which besides are posted on the stations.

Prices of tickets, Time-tables, Sleeping-cars. Inform ations about these are found in the official time-table of the State-Railways »Dan- marks Jernbaner« (50 Ore) and »Fabers Rejseliste« (50 and 75 O re). Coupon-tickets for circular tours are issued a t the Tourists Agency of the State- Railways and can be bought at any station (see Statsba- nernes R ejsebureau).

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