straede and Norrevohl (see map 1 ) ; the main building. »Telefohhuset«, is built on tlie site, where II. C. Orstcd had his dwelling and his la­ boratory, when he discove­ red the electromagnetism in 1820. In this complex is in- 'stalled the main-central and the smaller central »Byen«, the d istrict central for the inner p a rt of the city. By applying to the cashiers office in the main-building on The year of 1925 will be a memorable year in the h i­ story of the Danish Radio­ phony. A fter long and hard childrens diseases during the first years of development, a regulation by the State of this im portant social question is being carried through du­ ring the summer of 1925. The State takes over the whole working of the Radio- phony and m aintains the sen- dong of the messages by a tax of 15 K roner per recei­ ving apparatus. Let us consider, how the Danish Radiophony has deve­ loped. Denmark is the mother­ land of the ltadiotelepliony, Valdemar Poulsen being the inventor of the first Wireless Telephony and having created the continuous waves. Before 1920, in the meantime, there was no lladiophony or W ire­

the ground floor one may get admission to inspect the in­ stitution ; the time of inspec­ tion with a guide is on T hurs­ day 1 1/2 1 b u t °n other days too visitors are welcome. For the use of the public a great number of telepho­ nes are installed all over the town, in shops, in kiosks and in the shape of autom atic te ­ lephones in about 500 s ta ir­ ways, in the railway stations and other public places. less in this country. And then it was of very little conse­ quence. The Lyngby Radio Station now and then sent out some fonograph-concerts or a little song-entertain­ ment.. In the summer of 1923 the Radiophony has its real start. The dailies begin to be intere­ sted and a radio-paper every Sunday evening brings the first permanent radiopliony. The next steps were quickly taken, and when Danish R a­ dioclub took over the leader­ ship, besides the journal, concerts were sent out, ar­ tists, authors, actors and sin­ gers worked in front of the microphone to the delight of a steadily increasing public. The messages were improved from week to week and the prim itive conditions of sen­ ding were improved by mo-

T h e R ad iophony in DenmarK.

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