
Surrey Public Library

SOCIO CULTURAL  Provided life-long and skills building learning opportunities through programs such as computer classes, book clubs and financial literacy;  Worked to improve early literacy skills, for example over 15,500 children participated in Summer Reading Club in 2015;  Piloted new partnerships with agencies that assist people with mental health and other issues;

 Hosted an event for homeschooler families, to inform them of services and collections available;  Continued to help reduce the ‘digital divide’ by making iPads available for families with young children, through ‘Curiosity Corners’ at City Centre and Strawberry Hill libraries; and  Hosted the Surrey Soiree, a signature event designed to highlight the work being done by libraries and raise the awareness of the Library as a charitable organization.

 Eliminated fines on children’s materials, to reduce barriers to accessing library services;

Chess Simul at City Centre Library

Surrey Kids Read at Guildford Town Centre



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