


ECONOMIC  With the development community, we developed a strategy to construct the Fergus Pump Station to support development of the Southern portion of Sunnyside Heights Neighbourhood Concept Plan area and the Highway 99 Corridor;  Completed construction of $5 Million

 Initiated the Local Area Service process for the $15 Million Bridgeview Vacuum Sewer Replacement Project Phases 3 and 4; and  Reviewed existing Sustainability Dashboard Indicators, and developed new indicators.

in sanitary sewer improvements, including trunk sewer upgrades;

ENVIRONMENTAL  Continued to provide comments on the proposed amendment by Fraser Surrey Docks to the existing project permit that authorizes a Direct Transfer Coal Facility at the Fraser Surrey Docks; and

 Worked with Metro Vancouver to address odour issues along the North Surrey Interceptor.

SOCIO-CULTURAL  Worked with the Planning &

 Worked with the Planning &

Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department to initiate the Stage 2 Redwood Heights (Grandview Heights Area #4) Neighbourhood Concept Plan; and  Initiated works as part of a Local Area Service initiative to provide sanitary sewer to an unserviced area of the City.

Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Culture

Department to complete the Stage 2 West Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan;  Initiated an update of the Engineering Department’s 10-Year Servicing Plan that supports the vision of the Official Community Plan;



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