
Surrey City Energy

SOCIO-CULTURAL  Commenced operation of the City’s district energy utility, Surrey City Energy to provide service to its first two apartment tower customers;  Worked to ensure that new above ground projects have an architectural element that adds to the beauty of the City. This includes a public art component which will be incorporated in to the design of the West Village District Energy plant; ENVIRONMENTAL  Completed the development of a bonus density policy for building energy efficiency as part of the Stage 2 West Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan; and

 Developed strategy to purchase renewable natural gas from the

Biofuels Processing Facility to offset the use of conventional natural gas in the District Energy system.

 Completed designs of new district energy infrastructure to serve new development in the Surrey Central and King George areas; and  Reviewed existing Sustainability Dashboard Indicators, and developed new indicators.


ECONOMIC  Advance the development of the Engineering Department’s Asset Management Plan; and

 Commence construction of the West Village District Energy Centre.

ENVIRONMENTAL  Develop a Low Carbon District Energy Strategy and set Carbon Intensity Targets.

SOCIO-CULTURAL  Initiate development of a response and recovery plan in coordination with the Operations Division and in consultation with the Surrey Fire Service.



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