


ECONOMIC  Completed a pilot project to detect leakage in City’s water network in Port Kells area.

ENVIRONMENTAL  Initiated a phased program of cross connection control surveys on private properties to identify any cross connection control deficiencies.

SOCIO-CULTURAL  Worked with the Planning &

 Worked with the Planning &

Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Culture

Development Department and the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department to initiate the Stage 2 Redwood Heights (Grandview Heights Area #4) Neighbourhood Concept Plan;  Reviewed existing Sustainability Dashboard Indicators, and developed new indicators; and  Explored how we can improve the number of volunteers for a water meter.

Department to complete the Stage 2 West Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan;  Initiated an update of the Engineering Department’s 10-Year Servicing Plan that supports the vision of the Official Community Plan;  Worked with Sustainability Office and Solid Waste to initiate projects to provide water conservation tools in schools and single family homes;


ECONOMIC  Complete construction of $9 Million in water system improvements, including distribution system improvements, feeder mains across railways, and PRV upgrades;  Advance the development of the Engineering Department’s Asset Management Plan; and

 Prepare a new Development Cost Charge By-law to support the financial requirements for the growth identified in the update of the Engineering Department’s 10-Year Servicing Plan.



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