
Ranked Capital Projects


In consideration of the growth that has occurred in the East Clayton area and the growth that is expected over the next few years in the West Clayton area, the planning and concept design of the first phase of a combined Clayton Heights Recreation & Arts Centre and Library was completed in 2015. Detailed design will be initiated in 2016 based on the approved capital plan. The 2016 contribution to this multi-year project is $10,000,000.

OPERATING IMPACT: The 2016 – 2020 Financial Plan includes an additional $1,300,000 in operating costs for ongoing programming at this facility.


Due to additional demand for ice sports, there is a need for a new twin sheet arena in the Cloverdale area. The new arena complex will be designed to be efficient and welcoming as it serves the community and the region for ice hockey, figure skating, public lessons & skating sessions as well as dry floor summer use. The 2016 contribution to this multi-year project is $750,000.

OPERATING IMPACT: The 2016 – 2020 Financial Plan includes a net addition of $270,000 in operating costs for the on-going programming at this facility.


The Cultural Strategic Plan adopted by Council in 2012, and the Surrey Public Art Plan recommends expanding Surrey’s cultural corridor , which is comprised of cultural opportunities generally following King George Boulevard, from City Centre to South Surrey. Expansion of art and cultural opportunities along the Cultural Corridor will engage the artistic community in creating positive destinations for local residents and visitors. OPERATING IMPACT: The 2016 – 2020 Financial Plan does not include additional operat- ing costs as all costs associated with the implementation and monitoring of this pro- gram are included within the allocated funding.


Surrey City Energy began delivering services to their first 2 customers in 2015. Expan- sion of the system commenced in 2015 to service the next 2 projects that are underway. This expansion consists of temporary natural gas boilers and buried distribution piping to connect the new projects. Detailed design work is also underway for a permanent nat- ural gas peaking plant on the future park site at 103 Ave and 133 St.



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