EMT Lesson Plans


Objectives: Demonstrate how to operate a suction unit. (p 344) Demonstrate how to suction a patient’s airway. (pp 344–345, Skill Drill 9-6)


- Suction unit with catheters - Suction head (if available) – otherwise good quality CPR manikin such as LITTLE ANNE - ET tube - Fluid (soapy water) for suctioning

Instructions to be read to students: “I am going to demonstrate suctioning. We will all practice this multiple times until you are all comfortable with it and can do it without hesitation.”

Precautions: Do not let the station deteriorate into chatter. Continue rotating them through assemblies until time is up.

Please note the following:

- DO NOT run this station without a product for the students to aspirate. Although it is messy, this is likely the only opportunity the students will have to actually really suction something before they treat a highly acute patient. Do not lose this opportunity to teach this right. Students really enjoy seeing the stuff move up the tubing also.

- Load a manikin with an amount of soapy water.

- Have each student suction the oropharynx with a yankauer.

- Have students suction either an ET Tube with a French catheter.

- DO NOT encourage French catheter use in the oropharynx. It is highly ineffective. They should only be using a French catheter on airway devices

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