INSIGHT Parent Portal Once your son is officially on roll in September, you will be sent login details to access the Parental Portal—Insight.

Please spend a little time getting used to the layout and information available. This is the way the majority of communication between home and school operates.

You will be able to see and monitor:  Your child’s timetable and details of attendance.  Your child’s behaviour (merits and demerits).  Your personal contact details and how to update them when you change phone numbers of move house.  How to contact your child’s teachers.  How to report absence.  Assessments—how your child is progressing, including interim and annual reports.  Diary dates/inset days/term dates.  Online booking for parents’ consultations. (You will be notified when the booking system is open for use)  School policies - are available on either the school website or the parent portal.  Information on exams.  Instrumental tuition timetables.  Letters from school.  Newsletters are available on the school website.

Insight is also used by the School to email information to you. As well as receiving information, letters and documents in your inbox, they also appear under the Letters and Notices area on the Insight landing page.

Please do NOT give your login details to your son, he will also use Insight and have his own login.

If you forget your Insight login, please request a reminder by emailing: ITSupport@tiffin.kingston.sch.uk

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