Picasso Catalog

G-Lock Hook

Picasso Tungsten Jika Vibe Gam akatsu Version -Nam ed afterthe popularJapanese technique the Tungsten Jika Vibe is a cross between severaltechniques including thedrop shot,wobblehead,and TexasRig,and now hastheadded benefitofa sm al circuitboard blade thatcreates vibration to entice a strike.The design oftheTungsten JikaVibekeepsyourplasticbaitof thebotom and outof the silt.The free-m oving hook creates a live action ofthe plastic trailer. Itcan be rigged with any softplastic trailerincluding worm s,creature baits, lizards,and swim baits.Being extrem ely versatile the Tungsten Jika Vibes' tightaction alows itto com e rightthrough eelgrass and also flipped into heaviergrass,fished on the botom along creek channels,grass lines, ledges, and rockypoints.Itisalso efectivepitching into blowdownsand working through brush pilesand othersubm erged coverwherethebasstypicalyhide. Tryhopping theJikaVibealong thebotom with slightliftsoftherod orusea steady retrieve to “tick”along the botom .Equipped with a prem ium Gam akatsu G-Lock in an assortm entofsizes to perfectly m atch yourplastic trailer. Fishing Tip-Forthe ultim ate fish atraction use a perm anentm arkerto custom ize the colorofthe circuitboard blade based on waterclarity and tim e ofyear.

LonnieCochran ProfessionalGuide

LightW eightCircuitboard BladeProvides Rapid Vibration To YourJikaVibe UseaPerm anentMarkerTo ColorThe BladeBased On Fishing Conditions


97% SuperHard,Dense Tungsten ForThe Ultim ate In Sensitivity


www.picassolures.com •724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com

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