Teachers Catalog 2016-2017

JUNE “When I was your age...” Talk to your class about when their grandparents were their age and what has changed from then to now! Have them create a Make A Gift ® for Grandparent’s Day, showing

MARCH “Get Hopping!” Plan an egg hunt for your

class by hiding painted eggs around your classroom, each containing a fact about Easter. Once they’ve collected as many eggs as they can, use the fun facts they find to draw Easter themed pictures on their Make A Gift ® template. Turn this project into a personalized gift for easter. Scan and submit your Make A Gift ® order on Makit.com APRIL “Mom’s Rule!” May 10 is Mother’s Day. It’s the perfect time to celebrate important and influential women throughout history. Discuss some famous and influential Moms with your class and how they have helped shape our country. Then, have your students write or draw a message on the Make A Gift ® template to their own Momor Caregiver to show how important they are to them. Turn this project into a personalized gift for momor someone special in your family. Scan and submit your Make A Gift ® order on Makit.com MAY “It’s a Family Thing”

their favorite things to do with their Grandparents drawn on the Make A Gift ® template! Turn this project into a personalized gift for Grandparents day. Scan and submit your Make A Gift ® order on Makit.com

JULY “Celebrate Freedom” Discuss America’s independence and how

wonderful it is to live in our amazing country - thanks to our forefathers and those who serve and protect our freedom! Have the students write and draw a special thank youmessage in honor of our

troops who serve and protect our great country and our freedoms using the Make A Gift ® template. Turn this special project into a personalized gift for someone who is serving in your family or a special friend. Scan and submit your Make A Gift ® order on Makit.com

Father’s Day is a great way to discuss how family roles and structures differ in different cultures. Have your students draw their family on their Make AGift ® template and compare the differences in families and cultures. Turn this

AUGUST “Happy Birthday!” The Make AGift ® projects make great, unique gifts for a friend or loved one’s

project into a personalized gift for dad or someone special in your family. Scan and submit your Make A Gift ® order on Makit.com

birthday! Have your students pick a special friend or family member whose birthday is coming up. Create a special art which show off the recipient’s age, favorite things or something special about them. Turn this project into a personalized gift for someone special in your family. Scan and submit your Make A Gift ® order on Makit.com


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