Economic Report 2017

E C ONOM IC R E P OR T 2 0 1 7

uring oĨĨshore oƉerations, emissions arise Ĩrom Ɖoǁer generation reƋuired to Ɖrocess ǁell Ĩluids, treat oil and gas to edžƉort sƉeciĨication, and saĨely accommodate staĨĨ on oĨĨshore installations͘ The reduction oĨ these emissions is a sign of t h e indust r y ’ s com m it m e nt as t h e UK cont inue s t o m ake p r ogr e ss in de liv e r ing it s car b on t ar ge t s. In 201ϱ, these emissions made uƉ less than ϯ Ɖer cent oĨ the UK͛s oǀerall emissions͘ e q uiv ale nt and h av e de cline d st e adily since 2000. T h is is due t o t h e fall in oil and gas p r oduct ion; im p r ov e d m anage m e nt of op e r at ions; low e r e m issions Ĩrom neǁ Ĩields ǁith more eĨĨicient technology͖ tighter regulations͖ and the decommissioning oĨ older, more e m ission- int e nsiv e p lat for m s. P ar t icip at ion in t h e E U E m issions T r ading Sch e m e h as also h e lp e d p r ov ide a ĨrameǁorŬ Ĩor emissions reduction͘ Oil and Gas Authority ;OGAͿ data shoǁ that industry initiatiǀes haǀe helƉed Ɖroduction eĨĨiciency increase Ĩrom ϲ0 Ɖer cent in 2012 to an aǀerage oĨ 7ϯ Ɖer cent in 201ϲ, ǁhile data Ĩrom t h e UK E nv ir onm e nt al E m issions M onit or ing Sy st e m illust r at e s t h at t h e car b on int e nsit y of offsh or e inst allat ions has Ĩallen since 201ϯ͘ In 201ϱ, desƉite an increase in Ɖroduction, this doǁnǁard trend continued ǁith a carďon emission intensity oĨ 22,000 tonnes Ɖer million ďarrels oĨ oil eƋuiǀalent ;ďoeͿ 5 . In 1ϵϵϲ, UK uƉstream G,G emissions ƉeaŬed at 2ϴ͘ϯ million tonnes O 2

The industry has imƉlemented seǀeral initiatiǀes aligned ǁith reducing emissions, including͗

• Innov at iv e de sign ch oice s for ne w inst allat ions and facilit ie s t h at m inim ise GH G e m issions

• M onit or ing and r e p or t ing of e ne r gy usage and GH G e m issions

ͻ Zeducing system leaŬages ;e͘g͘ Ĩrom Ĩlare stacŬͿ

• Up gr ading and alt e r ing e q uip m e nt t o m ax im ise op e r at ional and e ne r gy e fficie ncy

ͻ WroƉosed Ĩunding Ĩor the Oil & Gas Technology entre ;OGT Ϳ to research, deǀeloƉ and deƉloy neǁ low - car b on t e ch nologie s

5 Oil & Gas UK’ s Environment Report Ɖroǀides more inĨormation on atmosƉheric emissions Ĩrom the industry͘ The Ɖuďlication is aǀailaďle to doǁnload at ǁǁǁ͘oilandgasuŬ͘co͘uŬͬenǀironmentreƉort

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