Economic Report 2017

3.4 R e gional C e nt r e s of E x ce lle nce T h e UK sup p ly ch ain e ncom p asse s a w ide r ange of e x p e r t ise acr oss t h e w h ole count r y t h at se r v ice s oil and gas act iv it ie s fr om e x p lor at ion t h r ough t o de com m issioning. T h e div e r se se t of skills and e x p e r ie nce not only e nab le s the UK͛s domestic actiǀities, ďut also Ĩorm gloďal centres oĨ edžcellence that edžƉort goods and serǀices to other b asins ar ound t h e w or ld as w e ll as ot h e r indust r ie s. F r om t h e de sign and m anufact ur e of sp e cialist sub se a e q uip m e nt for ne w de v e lop m e nt s t o t h e e ngine e r ing edžƉertise reƋuired to ƉreƉare a ƉlatĨorm Ĩor remoǀal, regional areas oĨ edžcellence haǀe eǀolǀed and deǀeloƉed r igh t acr oss t h e UK ov e r t h e 5 0 y e ar s since gas w as fir st discov e r e d off t h e coast of E ast A nglia. T w o case st udie s that Ĩolloǁ ;see oǀerleaĨͿ demonstrate the regional sƉread oĨ the domestic suƉƉly chain͘ These are diǀerse multiͲďillionͲƉound Ɖroũects ʹ one a ďroǁnĨield deǀeloƉment and another a decommissioning Ɖrogramme ʹ that haǀe relied heaǀily on the UK suƉƉly chain Ĩor the highest Ƌuality goods and serǀices, ensuring saĨe deliǀery͘ Oil & Gas UK estimates that, in 201ϲ, eǀery ά1 million oĨ edžƉenditure ďy the oil and gas industry sustained around nine indirect ũoďs and a Ĩurther eight induced ũoďs across the UK economy͘





Figure 7: UK Map of Companies Involved in Oil and Gas-Related Activity

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