Economic Report 2017

ϲ͘ϯ The ĸciency TasŬ &orce T h e conce p t of m ax im ising e fficie ncie s and dr iv ing cont inuous im p r ov e m e nt h as b e e n a p ar t of t h e oil and gas industry Ĩor decades͘ ,oǁeǀer, Ĩolloǁing the sharƉ oil Ɖrice decline in 201ϰ, the industry estaďlished its oǁn ĨĨiciency TasŬ &orce ; T&Ϳ, led ďy Oil & Gas UK, to act as a ƉanͲindustry catalyst Ĩor sustainaďle change and ďe a ǀehicle to communicate Ɖrogress and deǀeloƉ good Ɖractice͘ ^ince then, suƉƉorted ďy strong leadershiƉ Ĩrom the T&, comƉanies themselǀes and the industry oǀerall haǀe transĨormed their eĨĨiciency, signiĨicantly reducing costs, imƉroǀing Ɖroduction eĨĨiciency and realising real increases in caƉital eĨĨiciency ;see section ϲ͘1 outlining industry KWIsͿ͘ This Ĩundamental change has Ɖut the industry͛s Ĩuture on a more secure Ĩooting͘ T h e E T F h as a num b e r of gr oup s w or king acr oss indust r y t o ide nt ify p ot e nt ial e fficie ncy im p r ov e m e nt op p or t unit ie s and realise saǀings aligned ǁith three Ŭey themes͗ oͲoƉeration, ulture and ehaǀiours͖ ^tandardisation and Sim p lificat ion; and Busine ss P r oce sse s.





Figure 27: The Efficiency Task Force Structure

5 6 7 8


^teerinŐ 'roup


oͲoperation, uůture and eŚaviours


usiness Wrocesses

^tandardisation and ^impůiĮcation


5 1

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