Economic Report 2017

E C ONOM IC R E P OR T 2 0 1 7

Co-operation, Culture and Behaviours riǀing cultural change across industry, to oneǁith a relentless Ĩocus on eĨĨicient oƉerations, is ke y t o e nsur ing t h e p r ogr e ss m ade is sust aine d. Giv e n t h at cult ur al and b e h av iour al change is a Ŭey success Ĩactor right across the sƉectrum oĨ T& Ɖroũects, the TasŬ &orce has deǀeloƉed a range oĨ tools and initiatiǀes to this end͗ • Industry Behaviours Charter ʹ a set oĨ Ĩiǀe high leǀel ƉrinciƉles to ensure that comƉanies e ngage in an e fficie nt and collab or at iv e m anne r . M or e t h an 5 0 com p anie s h av e signe d up t o t h e ch ar t e r 26 .

• Continuous Improvement Network ʹ connecting eĨĨiciency chamƉions Ĩrom across industry͘

• Collaboration Index ʹ in ƉartnershiƉ ǁith eloitte, the indedž ďenchmarŬs successĨul collaďoration across industry and shoǁs it is increasing across the ďasin͘ ,oǁeǀer, there is still scoƉe Ĩor imƉroǀement͘

• Efficiency Roadshows ʹ held ǁithin Oil & Gas UK memďer comƉanies so that emƉloyees can hear aďout the T&͛s ǁorŬ, Ĩind out hoǁ they can get inǀolǀed and share their oǁn achieǀements in driǀing continuous imƉroǀements͘ M or e t h an 5 00 p e op le h av e at t e nde d t h e se e v e nt s so far in 2017 . • Efficiency Hub ʹ a neǁ online and interactiǀe ĨĨiciency ,uď on the Oil & Gas UK ǁeďsite ǁill ŬeeƉ industry uƉ to date ǁith the latest adǀances in imƉroǀing eĨĨiciency͘ It is a oneͲstoƉ gateǁay to initiatiǀes, tools and ďest Ɖractice and includes comƉany case studies, as ǁell as the latest inĨormation aďout the T& and its Ɖrogress͘ Around 100 comƉany case studies are included on the ,uď, outlining innoǀatiǀe ǁays oĨ ǁorŬing smarter and collab or at ing t o im p r ov e e fficie ncy and sust ainab ilit y . C om p anie s fr om acr oss indust r y ar e e ncour age d t o p r ov ide and dow nload case st udie s t o e nsur e t h at know le dge and e x p e r ie nce is sh ar e d as w ide ly as p ossib le . The T& ǁill continue to moǀe the eĨĨiciency agenda Ĩorǁard throughout the rest oĨ 2017 and into nedžt year, ǁith incr e ase d focus on com m unicat ing p r ogr e ss acr oss indust r y and e nsur ing t h at t h e T ask F or ce ’ s out p ut s ar e use d t o m ax im um e ffe ct and e m b e dde d w it h in day - t o- day w or king p r act ice s.

26 F ind out m or e ab out t h e Indust r y Be h av iour s C h ar t e r at w w w cult ur al- ch ange - t ools

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