IIW 2017 Annual Report

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: WHO IS DOING WHAT Group A “Education, Training and Qualification” is responsible to develop and revise Curriculum Guidelines, Alternative Route Guidelines and to deal with Distance Learning Programmes. Technical approval of the IAB Guidelines is the responsibility of Group A with formal ratification by the IAB Board. Group B “Implementation, Authorisation and Certification” is responsible to: • develop, maintain and revise the Rules and Operational Procedures for implementing the Guidelines and the Certification Schemes; • grant and confirm authorisations of ANBs and ANBCCs; • approve Access Conditions, Transition Arrangements, Distance Learning Programmes; • to appoint Assessors. Technical approval of the IAB Rules and Operating procedures is the responsibility of Group B with formal ratification by the IAB Board. IAB Peer and Lead Assessors are Experts of the IIW-IAB qualification and certification systems and are responsible for assessing ANBs and ANBCCs against the IIW-IAB Rules.

2017 HIGHLIGHTS FROM GROUP A Scope: Education, Training and Qualification During 2017, the key activities of the IAB Group A were: • Development of Learning Outcomes for the Guideline for Personnel with Welding Coordination Responsibilities. • Development of the criteria for the harmonized examination for both theo- retical and practical parts of the Welding Inspection Personnel Guideline Mandatory harmonized exams have been implemented for IWE/IWT/IWS/ IWP and IW. More members (85 in 2017) are using the harmonised examination (7% more exams were created in 2017 when compared to 2016), around 5 new fixed exams have been implemented for two qualifications and more than 200 questions were added/updated within the Harmonised Examination Da- tabase. Documents Revised and Developed under IIW-IAB Group A Guidelines: IAB 348r1-17– Mechanized, Orbital and Robot Welding. IAB 337r3-17- Interpretation and Implementation of ISO 3834 requirements. IAB 338r3-17 – Guidance for the Implementation of ISO 3834 Oriented to Welded Products Standards. IAB 340r4-17– ANBCCs Assessment of Manufacturers of Welded Products Operating the IIW Manufacturer Certification Scheme.

Chair: Ing. Henk J.M. Bodt (The Netherlands)

2017 HIGHLIGHTS FROM GROUP B Scope: Implementation, Authorisation and Certification The main activity undertaken during 2017 was:

• The conclusion of the review of the main Rules and Procedures that support the harmonised implementation of the IIW Qualification and Certification pro- grammes. • The starting of the development of the International Welding Inspectors Sche- me. In 2017, Group B was involved in the approval of the following documents: Documents Revised and Developed under IIW-IAB Group B Rules: IAB 339r4-17– Rules for ANBCCs Operating the IIW Manufacturers Certification Scheme IAB 341r3-17 – Rules for Implementation of IIW Scheme for Certification of Wel- ding Personnel Several Operational Procedures were revised.

Chair: Dr Stefano Morra (Italy)


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