USD Softball 2001


University ofSan Diego Torero Softball Year-By-Year Results

Year 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980

Overall Record Head Coach

NCAA Div. Divis ion I Division I Division I Division I Divis ion I Division I Division I


Western Interco llegiate Softbal l League Western Interco llegiate Softbal l League Western Interco llegiate Softbal l League Western Interco ll egiate Softbal l League Western Interco ll eg iate Softbal l League Western Interco ll egiate Softba ll League Western Interco ll egiate Softball League

3 1-28 44-2 1 3 1-28 27-3 1 14-37 18-33 25-2 1 25- 19 3 1-1 4 34-14 25-25 30-27 2 1-26 2 1-20 24- 14 15-23 I3-3 7 22-20 23-23

Lin Adams Lin Adams Lin Adams Lin Adams Lin Adams Lin Adams Lin Adams

Larry Caud illo Division I La rry Caud ill o Division I Larry Caudill o Division I Larry Caudill o Division I Larry Caud ill o Division I Lan-y Caudill o Division I Lan-y Caudillo Division I Lan-y Caudill o Division I Kevin McGarry Division 111 Kevi n McGarry Division Ill Kevi n McGarry Division Ill Kevin McGan-y Division II Kevin McGarry Division II Kevin McGarry Division 111

Independent Independent 1ndependent Independent Independent Independent

West Coast Ath leti c Conference West Coast Ath leti c Confere nce

Southern Ca li forn ia Softball Conference Southern Cali fornia Softball Conference Southern Californi a Softball Conference Western Assoc. for Interco ll eg iate Athletics Western Assoc. for Interco ll egiate Athletics Western Assoc. for Interco ll egiate Athletics

2- 12

I0- 13

L----=Torero Sophomores

Torero Freshmen

2001 University of San Diego Torero Softball

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