USD Softball 2001




USD General Information

Table of Contents

USO Athletic Administration

Table of Contents 2001 Season Outlook Team Photo/Roster USD Coaching Staff Tore,ro Biographies 2000 Statistics & Results All-Time Results VSD Support Services . ·

1 2 3 4 5-12 13 14-15 16

School Name University of San Di ego location 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110-2492 Year Founded 1949 Enrollment 6,943 Colors Co lumbia Blue, Navy & White Affiliation NCAA Divi sio n I Conference Western Interco ll egiate Softba ll League (WISL) Home Field USO Softball Complex (375)

President Alice B. Hayes Institutional Representative Tom Burke Ath letic Director Tom Iannacone

NCAA Faculty Rep. Mitch Mal achowski Associate Athletic Director Dan Yourg Associate Ath letic Director/SWA Wendy Guthrie Assoc. AD of Athletic Development Brian Fogarty Asst. AD/Marketing & Promotions Renee Wiebe Director of Jenny Craig Pavilion Carl Reed Jenny Craig Pavilion Events Manager Chandra Kohl er Athletic Ticket Manager Andie C lover Compliance Coordinator Mike Matoso Sports Information Director Ted Gosen Assistant SID/Softball Contact Meli ssa Turley Director of Athletic Facilities Jo hn Martin Assistant Director of Facilities Joel Morgan Academic Support Coordinator Shaney Fink Director of Intramurals/Recreation Gary Becker Asst. Strength & Conditioning Coach Marc Meeker Head Ath letic Trainer Carol yn Greer, M.A. ,A.T. ,C. Assistant Trainers Su zi Hi gg ins, Paul Signorelli

USD Softball Information Head Coach: Lin Adams (8th season) Assistant Coach: Jennifer Milo (4th season) Assistant Coach: Amy Lopez-Wedge ( Ist season) USO Softball Office Phone: (6 I9)260-4281 USD Softball Quick Facts 2000 Overall Record: 31-28 WISL Conference Record : I0-9 (3rd place) Head Coach: Lin Adams (Chico State, 1980) USO Coaching Record : 190-199 (7 Seasons) Overall Coaching Record: 296-279-1 (11 Seasons)

USD Sports Information

Sports Information Ted Gosen Softball SID Melissa Turl ey E-mail mturley@acusd .edu Office Phone (6 19) 260-4745 Fax

Letterwinners Ret./Lost: 11 /3 Starters Returning/Lost: 7/2

What Is A Torero?

(6 19) 260-2990 Torero Hotline (619) 260-2323

The Uni versi ty of San Diego, which sponsors sixteen NCAA Di vision I intercoll egiate teams, competes under the ath letic ni ck name of Toreros. In 196 1, the Most Reverend Bishop Buddy, the foundi ng fat her o f USO, announced that the sc hoo l's nickname would cha nge from Pioneers to Toreros. "The name Toreros is keeping with the friendl y relation ship whi ch ex ists between San Diego and Mex ico," Hi s Exce ll ency sa id at the time. Torero comes from the spanish term roro, the bull, and from the word torear, to fi ght bul ls. Al l of the contestants in the ring are ca ll ed toreros. Torero is a general term desc ribing a bullfi ghter and signifi es courage , honor and fid elity. USO student-athl etes, like the Torero, represent a w illing– ness to stand alone in the ring and accept the cha ll enge. The 2000-200 I school yea r marks the 40th anni versa ry w ith Toreros as the offic ia l ni ckname fo r USO athl eti c teams.

Back Cover Photo ID: Standing (1-r): Assistant Coach Jennifer Mil o, Alli son Williams. Kirsten Adair, Lora McBay, Jennifer Delpit, Des iree Collo. Head Coach Lin Adams, Ass istant Coach Amy Lopez-Wedge. Middle sitting (1-r): Stephan ie Bisera, Cri stina Bryne, Nicky Geis , Anna Russe ll , Li z Well s, Ashl ey Mi ller, Anne Skidmore. Bottom sitting (1-r): Charli e Smith, Chri sty Clarke, Jade Quentin. Jennifer Bridges, Ci ndy McGee, Olaya Salazar.

Acknowledgements Design, Edit & Layout: Melissa Turley Printing: Kings Printing Corporati on

Photos: Brock Scott , Scott Photo Scott Photo: www.scottphoto. net

2001 University of San Diego Torero Softball

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