NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

12 October 2017

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NEW BUSINESS Manager’s Apartment Policy :

Scott Greenfelder Scott identified an issue with the current Manager’s Apartment policy. He recommended a first right of refusal policy to the Manager on Duty (Weekday Manager or Weekend OD). Further, the only members allowed to occupy the Manager’s Apartment are incoming or outgoing Manager’s on Duty. The board discussed the current policy. Scott will prepare a draft of the revised policy and forward it to the Policy Committee for review. The board will review and discuss the revision at the next Board of Directors meeting. 2018 Capital Projects : V/C Randy Pagel The window replacement can be performed this fall at a discount. Additionally, completing that portion of the project before winter will provide additional time to get the siding completed in the spring before the club re-opens. V/C Randy Pagel requested that the window replacement occur before the end of the year, but would like the expenditure to be reflected in 2018. Treasurer, Brian Fringer, will look into the appropriate method to handle the accounting. Robison Tie-backs : Commodore, Pat Carroll There are 16 broken tie-backs on the Robison and 6 broken tie-backs on the Genoa. It’s likely possible to repair those ourselves. However, sections of the seawall are in poor shape so we are requesting a quote to get 100 ft of sea-wall replaced. Once we have the quote, the board will be able to discuss options and authorize action. The board also discussed additional considerations regarding seawall replacement and restructuring boat wells on the west side of the island. Membership/Gift Cards : R/C Ian Blackburn Per our policy, gift cards that are inactive for 12 months are charged a $10 per month maintenance fee until a zero balance is achieved. After 24 months, the cards are not redeemable. There are many cards that can be de-activated and several cards that can be decremented based on inactivity. Actions will be taken to enact the maintenance fees based on our current policy. Member of the Month None Identified Good of the Order Kim Miedema recommended an addition to the policy regarding party weekends: The Board of Directors should officially decide and document the specific weekends that are categorized as party weekends at the beginning of each season. Doing so will make it clear when second boats and guest boats are not allowed on the island to allow our members to get a well. Those weekends, and the rules for those weekends, need to be communicated to the membership before the season starts, and they should be added to the event calendar. Bill Calihan stated that Art Brooks is home and asked that we keep him in our prayers. KimMiedema recommended that highly visible signs be posted at the entrances to the clubhouse stating that we are a private club and that guests must sign in immediately.

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