TPT May 2009

I nspection, M easuring, T esting & M arking

“Without measurement there is no control,” asserts the website of Particle Measuring Systems, a supplier of equipment for monitor- ing and qualifying contaminants. Just as plausibly might the company serve notice that there is also no control without inspection, testing, and marking. The four stand or fall together, with faulty execution of any of them cancelling out excellence in the others.

 The ultrasonic weld profile visualisation system, from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies, is based on phased array technology (see page 94)

Zero tolerance is very much a working ideal in the tube making operation, and sound methods of inspection, measuring, testing, and marking are critical to process control. These are the certification specialities, without which it would

be impossible for the manufacturer to guarantee that product delivery from the plant may be accepted with confidence. In statistics, an error is not a ‘mistake’ . In tube making it is. The specialities under review here ensure that, in the critical transaction between producer and customer, error has no part.

 The WeldRover ™ automated scanner for NDT testing (NDT) on pipe (see page 109)

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M ay 2009

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