TPT May 2009

I nspection, M easuring, T esting & M arking

Ultrasonic inspection systems for tube

automatic production tests or for lower quantity manual operation. The company also provides ultrasonic inspection services in its commercial test laboratory for the same material types, with reference block certifications and transducer profiling. In addition, the company performs ultrasonic instrument calibration either in its lab or at the customer’s plant. Typical ASTM standards are accommodated, including A450/A450M, E127, E213, E273, E314, E317, E1001, E1065, and E2375. The systems provide material handling and transducer positioning apparatus and utilize flaw detection instruments manufactured by a number of companies. These are connected to the company’s specialized instruments to accomplish such functions as automatic stopping on, marking, or sorting of defect indications when required. Tac Technical Instrument Corp – USA Fax : +1 609 882 3147 Email : Website :

Tac Technical Instrument Corp, USA, is the manufacturer of the TacTic™ line of ultrasonic inspection systems for bars, billets and tubes. These systems are used for end-use applications in the making of precision parts for critical applications.

This equipment, which has been on the international market for over 40 years, is used to test material of round, rectangular or hexagonal cross section. System configurations are designed to meet the requirements for high-volume, semi-

 A TacTic™ ultrasonic inspection system

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M ay 2009

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