All the Men 1963

The Accounting Club

l"nder lllE~ guid:rnC'e of :\Ir. :\lar– linclli, lhc i\('(·ounting Cluh hu:< made great strides in ent·ot1rt11?ing aml promoting lhc sludy or aC'<.-oun– urn1•y lo its highest sluudards. Dur– ing the year I.he 1·l11h hus taken part in fielcl trips. and laeard lectures h.r professional men from the world or business. Primarily. lhc duh fu111·– tions as n medium hetwccn tht• studenls and instructors.

Bill \Yliite. l\Ir. Martinelli .farully moderalor. Joseph Baker. Leon.1rd Dallon. Put Bailey. Lee Bianco. Har~· :'IJcGee, John Kelly.

The Gavel Club

Considering last year's purlicipa– tion in scYcral invil11liomtl and com– petitive tonrnanwnls, and especial– ly the Model l'nitcd Nations, this year's at•tivilics have somewhat tapere

Dick :\fartin ancl P11ul l'r\'iss listen lo nrgunwnts of Pftlomnr College flchnter-

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