All the Men 1963

Dav ePlo tne r,Ke n Ku llb erg,Bil l Wi lst erm an.

Aft er bein g organ ized in No vember of 19C2, th e Scie nce Cl ub sel ect edan am bit iou spro jec t— th e bui ldin g of asmallcyc lot ron . The Cl ub ,und er mod ­ er ato rFr .Mur ra y, is open to scie ncean d ma th ma ­ jors, as well as ot he rstu de nt s int ere ste din tho se fields.

Sc ie nc e C lub

seated : Dic k M ar tin , Ja y Wil son, Phi l Ki ng ,Jo hn Horv ati ch , standing: Gi lb er tNa res ,Mar tyBoyle ,Mik e Fl an ag an , Mike Ro sia k,Cr aig Bro zey ,Co lin Fort, Mike Fl yn n,Ke n Ku llbe rg,Er nie Bo ru nd a,Fr . Ganahl facu lty moderator .

Th eCirc leK, acam pusserv ice orga niz ati on sponsored by th eDow n­ tow n Ki wa nisCl ub ,pla nne dan d acted no t onl y for the scho ol an d commun ity th is yea r, but also help edto feed andclo ththe stillhu ngr y an d nak edT iju an a orpha ns . Fr . G anahl act ed as facult ymo de rat or,while Ja yWil son am ply per form edth e dut ies of cl ub pre sid en t. The ir aim is serv ice ; their vir­ tu e is c ha ri ty .

Ci r cl e K

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