1867 The American Barkeeper by a Practical Liquor Manufacturer



Gallon and a hall" of water.

Add one dozen lemons squeezed, Haifa dozen oranges and one pine-apple sliced. iSlif well, until sugar is dissolved. Then add one pint of .rainaica nun.one gallon of brandy,large piece of ice; stir well, and ornament with berries in season.

MILK ruNcn. Dissolve one pound of sugar in water. Add two gallons of milk.

Take one gallon of brandy, and add,pouring slow and stirring fast, to prevent the milk curding. Then add a pint of .Tamaica rum,stir well and place bowl on ice; on serving, use champagne goblet,in which place a piece of ice, fill with punch,and grate nutmeg on top. BUTTERMILK. Use champagne goblet,in which place a piece of ice and grate nutmeg on top. This drink is a good chalera preventive. EGG NOGG. In punch-bowl for New Years Day. w Use large vessel holding 13 gallons. Si.v pounds sugar dissolved in two quarts water. Eight gallons fresh milk, Si.v dozen eggs; separate white from yolk,and beat yolk until very thin; add the yolk and stir well;then add half a gallon of St, Cru.K rum;stir well while pouring. Three and a half gallons brandy:stir well while pouring slow: cover up with large cloth. Then beat the whites until they assume a hard, frothy appearance. Fill your largest punch-bowl with the egg nogg,placing the white of the eggs on top, and ornament with red and blue .sugars. This celebrated American drink,from its orna-

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