JCPSLP July 2014_Vol16_no2

that speech pathologists manage. Further, it is anticipated that this protocol will have high translatability and, as such, has the potential to be integrated and adapted across other speech pathology workplaces to enhance patient outcomes, both nationally and internationally. Already, the protocol has generated significant interest from other hospital sites throughout Australia. This protocol represents a “beginning” and it will be further modified in response to patient, staff, and organisational responses. As Ely et al. (2001, p. 454) have stated, “Clinical practice protocols should not represent rigid rules but, rather, guides to patient care. Moreover, the protocols may evolve over time as clinical and institutional experience with them increases”. References Ahmed, N., Wahlgren, N., Brainin, M., Castillo, J., Ford, G. A., & Kaste, M., et al. (2009). Relationship of blood pressure, antihypertensive therapy, and outcome in ischaemic stroke treated with intravenous thrombolysis: Retrospective analysis from Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke – International Stroke Thrombolysis Register. Stroke , 4 0 (7), 2442–2449. Altman, K., Yu, G., & Schaefer, S. (2010). Consequence of dysphagia in the hospitalized patient: Impact on prognosis and hospital resources. Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery , 126 (8), 784–789. Butcher, K., Christensen, S., Parsons, M., De Silva, D., Ebinger, M., Levi, C., et al. (2010). Post thrombolysis blood pressure elevation is associated with haemorrhagic transformation. Stroke , 41 (1), 72–77. Cabre, M., Serra-Prat, M., & Palomera, E. (2010). Prevalence and prognostic implications of dysphagia in elderly patients with pneumonia. Age Ageing , 39 , 39–45. Chouinard, J., Lavigne, E., & Villeneuve, C. (1998). Weight loss, dysphagia, and outcome in advanced dementia. Dysphagia , 13 , 151-155. Ely, E. W., Meade, M. O., Haponik, E. F., Kollef, M. H., Cook, D. J, Guyatt, G. H., & Stoller, J. K. (2001). Mechanical ventilator weaning protocols driven by nonphysician health-care professionals: Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest , 20 (6), 454–463. Flowers, H., Silver, L., Fang, J., Rochon, E., & Martino R. (2013). The incidence, co-occurrence, and predictors of dysphagia, dysarthria, and aphasia after first-ever acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Communication Disorders , 46 (3), 238–248. Foley, N. C., Martin, R. E., Salter, K. L., & Teasell, R. W. (2009). A review of the relationship between dysphagia and malnutrition following stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine , 41 (9), 707–713. Flynn D., Ford, G. A., Stobbart, L., Rodgers , H., Murtagh, M. J., & Thomson , R. G. (2013). A review of decision support, risk communication and patient information tools for thrombolytic treatment in acute stroke: Lessons for tool developers. BMC Health Services Research , 13 (225), 1–13. Graham, G. D., (2003). Tissue plasminogen activator for acute stroke in clinical practice: A meta-analysis of safety data. Stroke , 34 (12), 2847–2850. Harrison, M. J. G., (1989). The influence of haematocrit in cerebral circulation. Cerebrovascular and Brain Metabolism Reviews , 1 , 55–67. Hinchley, J. A., Shepard, T., Furie, K., Smith, D., Wang, D., & Tonn, S., (2005). Formal dysphagia screening protocols prevent pneumonia. Stroke , 36 (9), 1972–1926.

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JCPSLP Volume 16, Number 2 2014

Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

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