USD Men's Tennis 1998-1999




"Student-athletes face unique challenges and time demands. Our academic support center has been designed to be proactive in helping them achieve their goals and maintain a high standard of academic achievement. Whether it be advising, tutoring, or just a quiet place to study, I encourage them to take advantage of all the resources that are available. I promote an interactive approach to learning and the establishment of a strong foundaiton early in their academic career. I believe that developing positive attitudes, habits, and behaviors during col– lege will contribute to lifelong success both on and off the field."

Sara Hickmann enters her second year as Coordinator ofAth letic Academ ic Support at the University of San Diego. The USO Athl etic Aca– demic Support Program is de– signed to ass ist and motivate student-ath letes in their journey and progress towa rds their aca– dem ic goa ls, a nd u lti ma te ly graduation. The primary objec– ti ve is to improve the student– athl etes' study ski ll s, support them in their academic work , and encourage scholastic achi eve– ment. It is essenti al that student– ath letes rece ive the necessary academic ass ista nce to continue norma l progress toward a de–

Sara Hickmann

gree whil e participating in athletics.

USO student-athletes rece ive ass istance through advising, progress reports, academi c tutors, campus learning ce nters, such as the Logic, Math, and Writing Centers, and the Acce lerated Study Program. The Acce lerated Study Program provides a monitored, qui et area open only to the student-athl etes to ensure quality study time. These serv ices are ava il abl e to all USO student-athl etes. STRENGTH& CONDITIONING The USO strength and conditioni ng program is under the direc ti on of Steve Brown who is in hi s fourth year. It has been des igned to deve lop functi onal strength , speed, power and endurance. The development of these phys ical attributes is use less to the athl etes unl ess it ca n be carri ed onto the pl ay ing fi e ld. Therefore, adhering to a properl y des igned program of strength tra ining, cond i– tioning and nutrition can enabl e our men and women to become the best poss ibl e athletes they ca n be, whil e simultaneously reduc– ing th e in cidence of injury. US O student-athl etes rece ive intensive

"I look forward to training all USD student-athletes and hope to es– tablish a sense ofpride and commit– mentto the strength and conditioning program. The area ofstrength and conditioning has become increas– ingly more scientific in recent years. Iplan to utilize the latest research in this field to fully cultivate the athletic potential ofour athletes." Steve Brown

in struction on proper we ight training tec hnique; speed, power and ag ili ty deve lopment; and sport– spec ific conditioning. Their strength and cond i– tion ing programs are specific to the nature of th eir sport or position. Each athl ete will be individua ll y monitored throughout the ir program to ensure the greatest chance of athl eti c progress. Steve was named as th e 1998 Nati ona l Strength and Conditi oning Assoc iation Profes– sional of th e Yea r for the West Coast Conference.

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