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INTRODUCTION To ensure we are meeting the needs and expectations of our valued members, the FBINAA developed the 2020 Membership Benefits Survey. This year the Member Survey was designed to address each member segment-active sworn and retired members. The focus was to request and document each segment of members’ input and feedback on the execution of the Mission Priorities for the Association in the following areas:

COMBINED SURVEY FINDINGS Over 75% of our members have completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree, and almost all respondents rank the quality of Networking as good to excellent. Half of the combined survey respondents plan to use their credits from the NA Program or already have used their credits to further their education. Although both member segments see Networking as a moti- vator for staying an active Association member, sworn members main motivator is the Training and Professional Development opportunities available to them while retired members look to alumni affinity and engagement at the Chapter as their motiva- tion. The majority of all members do note Chapter events as their primary means of member engagement as well as communica- tions from the Association. TOP EDUCATION AND TRAINING TOPICS BY MEMBER SEGMENTATION: SWORN 1. Leadership and Management Issues 2. Officer Safety & Wellness 3. Life After Law Enforcement 4. Community Relations: Building Trust and Legitimacy 5. Innovations in Policing and New Technologies 2. Post-Law Enforcement Education and Training Trends 3. Active Shooter Response for Off-Duty and Retired Law Enforcement 4. Homeland Security 5. Innovations in Security and New Technologies PRIMARY FUNCTION OF THE ASSOCIATION BY MEMBER SEGMENTATION On the opposite page are the member survey responses for what they believe is the primary function of the Association ac- cording to sworn and retired members respectively. When it comes to Advocacy, both sworn and retired mem- bers feel the FBINAA should take a more vocal position on law enforcement legislative, regulatory and legal issues looking at their potential impact on the profession as well as societal issues like racial issues and civil unrest, and attitudes toward police. FBINAA members still like the accessibility to FBI NA products RETIRED 1. Life After Law Enforcement

n Professional Leadership Development n Global Law Enforcement Relationships and Collaboration n Advocacy n Sustainability n Retired Member Information and Interests n Life After Law Enforcement O ur goal is to listen to our members’ needs and provide them the most effective and cutting-edge services, net- working, education and training opportunities for their profes- sional enrichment and interest areas. The results of this 2020 Membership Benefits Survey will ensure that the national office allocates resources to the highest priorities and work together with FBINAA Chapters in providing outstanding service and programs to all members. The survey also allows national office staff to track the progress that is made in the areas that have the highest member demand and impact. DESCRIPTIVE REPORT OF THOSE SURVEYED The survey was sent to a total of 13,818 members with a response rate of 16.4% or 2,272 total surveys. A total of 8,907 Sworn members received the survey, with 1,015 responding to the survey for an 11.4% Response Rate. For our Retired mem- bers, 4,911 surveys were distributed with 1,257 responded with a 25.6% response rate for our Retired members. The last survey the Association conducted was in 2018. The response rate for the 2020 survey was a bit higher at 16.4% vs. 13% in 2018. The vast majority of all respondents have been active in law enforcement over 20 years with another 16% of our retired members serving 40+ years. Interestingly enough, 72% of our retired members are still working in another position after their retirement from their law enforcement position with only 20% of those working outside the profession. Survey respondents were majority male (93%) with the following race/ethnicity: White/ Caucasian 89%, Hispanic/Latino of any race 4%, Black or African American 3%, Asian 1%, American Indian, Alaskan Native, First Nations 1%.


SUMMARY Overall, there was a high response rate to this membership survey. Valued services and benefits of FBINAA membership were evenly dispersed with the highest benefits being Training Conference, Webinars, & Other Events (Chapter and National Conferences) and Accessing the Graduate/Member Directory. Members placed a high value on discounts offered by vendors on flights/autos/vacation/hotel discounts. The most significant function of the FBINAA is Training followed closely by Career Development, Global Networking and Advocacy and Fraternal Gatherings. The value of networking is rated as excellent or good by both sworn and retired members. The primary means of member engagement was Chapter Events. Accessibility to FBINAA products on the FBINAA Online Brand Store was rated the highest. Leadership and Management Issues are the greatest education and training interests for sworn members and Life Af- ter Law Enforcement topics for retired members. Over 80% of all respondents preferred e-mail communication as their preferred method of receiving information from the FBINAA. Members are satisfied with the amount and quality of information provided to them from the FBINAA.

and personalized items available to them through the online brand store and want continued store discounts and exclusive promotions. Most respondents are satisfied by the information they receive from the FBINAA on events, general information, educa- tion and training events and still use email, the FBINAA website, newsletters, magazine and App as a means of engagement. After two years of the rollout of the FBINAA CONNECT App, half of the retired members surveyed are using the App and are satisfied with the engagement while more sworn members show a higher level of use and App satisfaction. Other Survey Highlights: • 66% of current sworn members surveyed state they will retire in the next 6 years. • Both virtual and in-person training remains important to mainly sworn members and retired member training attendance is topic dependent. Both group segments listed Life After Law Enforcement in their top five ranking of training topics.

The age breakdown for survey respondents is: SWORN

RETIRED 45-54 = 8%

35 to 44 = 9% 45-54 = 54% 55-64 = 30% 65-74 = 6%

55-64 = 34% 65-74 = 43% 75 or older = 14%

The results of the 2020 Membership Benefits Survey can be found at www.fbinaa.org .

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