breath of service delivery is envisaged, as they are additional personnel in the field providing service to ‘Others’, such as clients and family members. Administrators such as district mental health managers, district mental health Directors of Nursing and state-wide mental health managers are particularly keen to establish more mental health nurse practitioner’s roles. They believe that it is inevitable. As a state-wide mental health manager stated: The future of the delivery of mental health services—the immediate future or foreseeable future—certainly would have nurse practitioner roles embedded within it … and we’re looking to extend that further, yes. (T18, p. 14) Another state-wide mental health manager said: We haven’t got many … but I’m an advocate for the nurse practitioners, simply because psychiatrists are so few … Nurse practitioners are well and truly equipped … So I’m a really strong supporter of nurse practitioners … they deliver very effective care, so as opportunities do arise, I would advocate strongly for mental health nurse practitioners. (T19, p. 11) 7.3 The Actors’ Arena Another group of actors in the health actors’ arena (and partially in the health actor arena, though not health trained or mental health clinicians) are the police, who are vital to remote nurses delivering mental healthcare. This study found that police are highly influential and very important to remote general nurses delivering mental healthcare. 7.3.1 Police Police officers occupy a unique position in the health actors’ arena and actors’ arena. They reside in more communities and in larger numbers than any other group in the

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